Saturday 27 June 2020

5 Of Import Google Campaign Collaborative Features Teachers Should Know About

Google Drive is inwards a continuous flux inwards damage of the functionalities together with built-in features it offers to its users. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 bully bargain of these features are peculiarly useful for us inwards education. In this serial of posts, nosotros volition innovate you lot to some of these features together with present you lot what you lot tin forcefulness out produce alongside them together with how you lot tin forcefulness out access them. We are starting alongside the collaborative features first. These are features  you lot tin forcefulness out exercise inwards Google Drive to heighten collaborative squad piece of occupation together with boost your productivity. More specifically, you lot volition acquire to acquire how to : part comments to specific collaborators on a document, brand someone else the possessor of your document, concur real-time chat alongside collaborators, part multiple files at once, together with how to enable or restrain what others tin forcefulness out produce alongside your shared files.

Google Drive is inwards a continuous flux inwards damage of the functionalities together with built v Important Google Drive Collaborative Features Teachers Should Know about
1- Send a comment to a specific person
This is peculiarly helpful when you lot are working alongside collaborators on the same document together with you lot desire to part a comment alongside a specific person. He/she volition acquire an e-mail notification alongside your comment. Here is how to produce it:
‘On your computer, opened upwards a document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
Insert together with type a comment.
Somewhere inwards your comment, add together the mention (with the origin missive of the alphabet capitalized). When the right mortal is suggested click their name. You tin forcefulness out too add together the e-mail address of the mortal you lot desire to meet the message.
Click Comment.’

2- Transfer ownership of a file
Google Drive allows you lot to transform ownership of folders together with files inwards Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Drawings together with My Maps to some other person. Keep inwards hear that when you lot brand someone else the possessor of your file you lot wont survive able to transfer ownership of that file dorsum to yourself or anyone else together with you lot can’t permanently delete that file from Google Drive. Here is how to deport transfer of file ownership:
‘Open the homescreen for Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides.
Click the file you lot desire to transfer to someone else.
Click Share.
Click Advanced.
To the right of a mortal you've already shared the file with, click the Down arrow .
Click Is owner.
Click Save changes.
After you lot brand someone else the possessor of a file, you lot tin forcefulness out edit the file unless the novel possessor decides to modify your access.’

3- Chat alongside others
Chat characteristic allows participants inwards a Google Doc, spreadshett or presentation to chat alongside each other inwards real-time. Here is how to produce it :
‘On your computer, opened upwards a document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
At the elevation right, click Chat. This characteristic won't survive available if you're the exclusively 1 inwards the file.
Enter your message inwards the chat box.
When you’re finished, at the elevation right of the chat window, click Close ’

4- Enable or restrain what others tin forcefulness out produce alongside your shared 
As the possessor of a Google Drive file you lot tin forcefulness out pick out what others tin forcefulness out produce alongside a file you lot part alongside them. There are iii options you lot tin forcefulness out pick out from:
‘View: People tin forcefulness out view, merely can’t modify or part the file alongside others.
Comment: People tin forcefulness out brand comments together with suggestions, merely can’t modify or part the file alongside others.
Edit: People tin forcefulness out brand changes, convey or turn down suggestions, together with part the file alongside others.’

5- Share multiple files 
Here is how you lot tin forcefulness out part several Google Drive files at once:
‘On a computer, acquire to
On your keyboard, concur Shift together with select 2 or to a greater extent than files.
At the elevation right, click Share Add people.’

Source: Docs Help 

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