Saturday 11 July 2020

This Is How 3D Printing Is Helping Students Alongside Visual Impairments

In yesterday’s post service nosotros talked a lilliputian fleck almost assistive technology together with featured about real proficient Chrome extensions y'all tin flaming purpose to aid students with learning disabilities. Today, nosotros are sharing amongst y'all this resources from Tinkercad showing the huge potential of 3D technology inwards helping all types of students acquire better. This is basically a brusque video showing how Neil McKenzie, assistive technology specialist at the Sonoma County Office of Education, combines both Tinkercad together with 3D printing to ‘overcome challenges his visually impaired students confront inwards the classroom.  Neal demonstrates how 3D printed objects aid all students, whether sighted or blind, to operate side-by-side together with acquire the same content – creating an inclusive sense for all.’

Tinkercad, for those of y'all non familiar amongst it, is a 3D modelling application which helps kids K-12 utilisation a broad diversity of objects which tin flaming locomote printed using a 3D printer. Check out this detailed guide to acquire to a greater extent than almost what y'all tin flaming utilisation amongst Tinkercad together with how to integrate it inwards your classroom teaching.

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