Monday 8 March 2021

Here Is An Fantabulous Tool For Creating Storybooks

My Storybook is an first-class spider web tool students tin role to practise in addition to percentage storybooks. It is a slap-up means to engage students inwards a broad diversity of literacy activities. They decease to induce their ain stories from scratch using characters, images, dissimilar backgrounds, drawings, text in addition to many more. And when their floor is ready, they tin percentage in addition to release it online for gratis or decease a high lineament printable version of it for $5.

My Storybook tin also live on used yesteryear teachers to practise storybooks for kids. The tool is really slow in addition to uncomplicated to role in addition to does non involve whatever software download. The video below shows you lot how to role My Storybook to blueprint awesome books for children.

Courtesy of AASL

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